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Accession IconGSE18135

Gene Expression Profile of Androgen Modulated Genes in the Murine Fetal Developing Lung

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 18 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

Submitter Supplied Information

Accumulating evidences suggest that sex affects lung development. During the fetal period, male lung maturation is delayed compared with female and surfactant production appears earlier in female than in male fetal lungs.
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Show of 18 Total Samples
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Flutamide treated male at GD 17, biological rep3
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Vehicule (control) male at GD 17, biological rep3
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Flutamide treated male at GD 18, biological rep1
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Vehicule (control) female at GD 18, biological rep1
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Vehicule (control) female at GD 18, biological rep2
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Vehicule (control) female at GD 17, biological rep1
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Vehicule (control) female at GD 17, biological rep2
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Vehicule (control) male at GD 17, biological rep2
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Flutamide treated male at GD 17, biological rep1
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled
Flutamide treated male at GD 18, biological rep2
fetal lung
rna samples from three fetuses of the same sex but from distinct litters were pooled