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Accession IconGSE43181

Expression data of mouse preoptic region 5 h after LPS-administration comparing wt and mPGES-1 KO mice.

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 10 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

Submitter Supplied Information

WT mice and mPGES-1 KO mice were treated with 120 mikrogram/kg LPS and sacrificed 5 h later.
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Show of 10 Total Samples
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KO repl 1
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
KO repl 4
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
WT repl 1
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
KO repl 3
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
KO repl 2
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
WT repl 2
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
WT repl 3
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
WT repl 4
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
KO repl 5
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus
WT repl 5
laser capture microdissected preoptic region of hypothalamus