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Accession IconGSE63297

ATAXIN2 is crucial for megakaryocyte protein homeostasis and proper platelet functionality

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 10 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip

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Expression of the RNA-binding protein is increased upon megakaryocyte commitment, and may coordinate with mRNA stability and translation during megakaryopoiesis. Reduced expression of ATXN2 in human megakaryocytic cells decreased protein synthesis and total protein content despite equal mRNA expression. Genome-wide comparision of subpolysomal versus polysomal mRNA showed that both protein synthesis and protein degradation are derailed in absence of ATXN2. Furthermore, ATXN2 was associated with PABP and DDX6, proteins that control mRNA stability through the polyA-tail. These findings indicate that ATXN2 is involved in protein metabolism in megakaryocytes and platelet function.
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